In den diversen Kursen (Classic und Catalan-Style) gezeigte Tänze:
Tanzname Choreograph # Redneck Séverine Fillion 16 Bars Edu Roldos & Lidia Calderero 1929 Carmen Sese & Ramona Neus 1976 Rolf H. Günther 2 Lane Highway Gary O'Reilly 3 : 16 Joshua Talbot & Travis Taylor 3 Flicks David Villellas, David Prestor & Pol F. Ryan 3 Tequila Floor Maddison Glover & Jo Thompson Szymanski 4 Clovers David `Lizard` Villellas & Gianmarco `Johnny` Rossato 48H Chrono Virginie Barjaud 50 Shots Gianmarco Rossato 9-1-1 Gianmarco A Country Boy David 'Lizard' Villellas A Country Girl David 'Lizard' Villellas A Country High Norman Gifford A Rattlesnake Kiss Maddison Glover Achy Breaky Heart Melanie Greenwood Adalaida Gary O'Reilly Adventure 45 Ria Vos & José Miguel Belloque Vane Afterglow Pol F. Ryan Again And Again Anna Taroni Ain`t No Fabian Müller Ain´t Our Fault Jimmy Andre, Neža Križ, Fabian Müller Alcohol Bruno Morel Alexa Anna Taroni & Johnny Rossato Alive Marta Agut Martinez & A2 All Katchi, All Night Long Kerry Maus All Night Long Crazy Generation All Shook Up Naomi Fleetwood-Pyle Amame Robbie McGowan Hickie American Kids Randy Pelletier Anthem Gianmarco 'Johnny' Rossato Anything About You Valentin Verbois & Teddy Fournet Anything For Love The Dreamers (Mari, Montse, Cati, Jaume Sáez) Anything You Want David 'Lizard' Villellas Anywhere Laura Jones Apache Spirit Dance Daniel Trepat & Living Line Dance Ranch Crew Askin´ Questions Larry Bass Austin Pol F. Ryan Back On Trail Adriano Castagnoli Backroad Virginie Barjaud Bang Time Gianmarco 'Johnny' Rossato Barn Burner Virginie Barjaud Bayooo! David 'Lizard' Villellas BBC - Big Ben Country Mario & Lilly Hollnsteiner Beautiful Day Gaye Teather Beautiful Madness Maggie Gallagher Better Times Patricia E. Stott & Vikki Morris Bible Belt Fatima 'FATI' Ouhibi & Virginie Barjaud Big Bass Rock's Brothers (Lluís Semís, Jordi Garrit, Lourdes Pardo, Silvia Clemente & Pilar Cols) Big Blue Tree Ria Vos Billy's Twist Ernst Roggeveen Bit by Bit David Prestor Black Coffee Helen O'Malley Blackpool By The Sea Gaye Teather Bonaparte's Retreat Maddison Glover Booze Cruise Charles Alexander Bored Ria Vos Born To Be Teo Lattanzio Bottom of the Bottle Gary O´Relly Bread and Butter Roz Morgan Bring Down The House Stéphane Cormier & Denis Henley Bring On The Good Times Gary O'Reilly & Maggie Gallagher Brunch Pol F. Ryan Build A Fire Stefano Civa Burn Me Down Adriano Castagnoli Burning Sun Adriano Castagnoli By And By Mario & Lilly Hollnsteiner California Applejack Bruno Moggia Canadian Stomp (Snake Oil, Snakepit) Unbekannt Cards On The Table Maggie Gallagher Catalan Shine Gianmarco 'Johnny' Rossato Caught in the Act Ann Wood Chapter 3 Gianmarco "Johnny" Rossato, Pol F. Ryan, Algaly Fofana Check in Pol F. Ryan Cherry Bomb Rob Fowler Cheyenne (Cheyenne Shuffle) unbekannt Chicane Fabian Müller & Pol Perry Chill Factor Daniel Whittaker & Hayley Westhead Chills Teddy Fournet Chop Montse Chafino (Montse Sweet) City of Music Séverine Fillion & David Villellas Classic N26 David Villellas Closer Mary Kelly Coastin' Tina & Ray Yeoman Código Pat Stott Coffee Manu Santos & Algaly Fofana Coffee Days and Whiskey Nights Ivonne Verhagen Come Dance With Me Jo Thompson Szymanski Corn Rob Fowler Countdown Catalan Mess Country 2-Step Masters In Line Country As Can Be Suzanne Wilson Country Boy Lovin` Maddison Glover Country Roads Kate Sala Country Walkin' Teree Desarro Cowboy Charleston (Charleston Touch, Charleston Cowboy) Unbekannt Cowgirl's Twist Bill Bader Crystal Cha Maddison Glover & Simon Ward Cucaracha Hank & Mary Dahl Cuss & Fuss Fabian Müller Damn!!!!! Rob Fowler Dance Again Adriano Castagnoli Day By Day Gianmarco 'Johnny' Rossato Day of the Dead Dan Albro Day Of Victory Pol F. Ryan Dead Or Alive Anna Taroni & Virginie Barjaud Deep in my Heart Mario & Lilly Hollnsteiner Desirable Chrystel Durand Destiny Léo Reigner & Manu Santos Devil's Side Algaly Fofana (The Unknows) Dig Your Heels Maddison Glover Dim The Lights Maddison Glover & Simon Ward Dini Seel ä chli la bambälä la Marcel Rohrer Dixie Bruno Moggia Dixie Girl Séverine Fillion Django Jgor Pasin Doctor Doctor Masters In Line Double Devil Chrystel Durand & Séverine Fillion Down On Your Uppers Gary O'Reilly Down To The Honkytonk Peter Jones & Anna Lockwood Drink Card Algaly Fofana & Gianmarco "Johnny" Rossato Drink Drank Drunk Rachael McEnaney Drinkaby Rachael McEaney Duty Free Esther Mayans & Josè Ferrer Enamorándonos Maryse Gagnon & Stèphane Beauchamp Evergreen Claudia Beeler Everyone Needs a Hero Roy Verdonk, Grace David & Jef Camps Fake ID Jamal Sims & Dondraico Johnson, Jean Luc Girard Farmer Rock (Let’s Dance) Fabian Müller Feel The Moment David 'Lizard' Villellas Feeling Kinda Lonely Margaret Swift Fine Gianmarco 'Johnny' Rossato First Time Manu Santos & Algaly Fofana Floor it Rob Fowler Foolish Heart David 'Lizard' Villellas Foot Boogie Ryan Dobry Freestyle Adriano Castagnoli Freeway The Youngsters French Kiss Virginie Barjaud Get Ready The Dreamers Get Up ! Vanesa Barambio Ghosted Niels Poulsen Giddy Up! Big Andrea Gragnaniello & Fabio Terzoni Girls Gone Wild Virginie Barjaud & Fatima Ouhibi Give me five David Give Me Your Tempo Nathan Gardiner Gives Me Shivers Brandon Zahorsky Go Seven Ria Vos God Is Good The Dreamers Golden Wedding Ring Séverine Fillion Gone West Gary O'Reilly & Maggie Gallagher Good Time Jenny Cain Gravity The Dreamers Great Day Maxence Bail Gummybear Pol F. Ryan & Algaly Fofana Gypsy Queen Hazel Pace Half Past Tipsy Maddison Glover & Rachael McEnaney-White Hallelujah Adriano Castagnoli Handshake Adriano Castagnoli Hang Tight Honey Anna Taroni (Crazy Bulls) Happy Man Catalonian Cowboys - Rosa Vila & Josep Belmonte Hardy Darren Bailey Heart Of An Angel William Brown Heartpulse Bruno Moggia Heaven On Dirt Bruno Moggia Here We Go Gary O´Reilly & Maggie Gallagher Hey Girl Micaela Svensson Erlandsson High and low Virginie Barjaud High Time Baby Fabian Müller Highway Roland (Gutz) Gutzwiller Hillbilly Girl Bruno Moggia Hit The Diff Angèle Vidal Hold Jgor Pasin Hold Up Algaly Fofana Holly's Church Mario & Lilly Hollnsteiner Holy Moly David 'Lizard' Villellas Home Stay Montse Chafino (Montse Sweet) Home To Donegal Heather Barton & Niels Poulsen Homesick Heart Maddison Glover Honey Sweet Honey Montse Chafino Honky Tonk Way Landon Purvis & Mark Paulino House Is Rocking (The House Is Rockin') Rob Fowler House Of Cards Glynn "Applejack" Rodgers, Gary Samms & Stephen Rutter Hunting Dog David Villellas In Walked You Maggie Gallagher Infinity David 'Lizard' Villellas, Adolfo Calderero & Edu Roldós Interrogation Point Algaly Fofana (The Unknows) Irish Teddy Fournet Irish Boots Ivonne Verhagen, Kate Sala, Jef Camps & Roy Verdonk Irish Stew Lois Lightfoot Islands In The Stream Karen Jones I`m on My Way Maggie Gallagher Jerusalema Colin Ghys & Alison Johnstone Jesse James Rachael McEnaney Jingle My Bells Junghye Yoon Joana Xose Masotti John Wayne Adriano Castagnoli Johnny&June Virginie Barjaud Julian Meeting Point Jumping Jack Flash Virginie Barjaud Jumping The River Legend Riders Just Married Silvia Calsina Keep It Lit Fabian Müller Kerosene Lane Bruno Moggia Kick it up Virginie Barjaud Kiss That Girl Teo Lattanzio Knock Off Guylaine Bourdages, Chrystel DURAND, Julie Lépine, Stéphane Cormier, Nicolas Lachance & Niels Poulsen L'Amistat Virginie Barjaud, Montse Moscardó, Neus Lloveras, Silvia Calsina, Lidia Calderero, Edu Roldós, Vanesa Barambio, Laura Lopez & Lilly & Mario Lake Darbonne David 'Lizard' Villellas Larger Than Life Teo Lattanzio Last Call Pol F. Ryan Lay Low Darren 'Daz' Bailey Lemon Squeezy Catalan Mess Let's Go Pol F. Ryan & Yhe Youngsters, Agnès & Juan Ramon Lifestream Bruno Moggia Like A Fine Wine Jef Camps & Sebastien Bonnier Lindi Shuffle Jane Smee Liquor Talking Maddison Glover Little White Church Nathalie Di Vito LMN Saloon Laura Turcaud, Maevan Courant & Nicolas Gilet Loaded Up David Prestor Lonely Blues Rachael McEnaney-White Lonely Drum Darren Mitchell Long Horn Silvia Denise Staiti, David Villellas, Teo Lattanzio, Pol F. Ryan Long Pride Adriano Castagnoli Lookin' For Someone Teddy Fournet Lookout (På Leit) Cato Larsen Lord Help Me Marie Sørensen Lordy Teo Lattanzio Lost In Me David 'Lizard' Villellas Love me some you Agnès Gauthier Love Trick Rachael McEnaney Loveline Silvia Denise Staiti Lucky me Maddison Glover Lyah Manu Santos & Léo Reignier Magazine David 'Lizard' Villellas Make It Rob Fowler Makita Kate Sala & Robbie McGowan Hickie Mama & me Gary O´Reilly Mama Told Me Priska Staud Mamma Maria Frank Trace Mayday Mario Hollnsteiner Meltdown Adriano Castagnoli Mexican Getaway Fabian Müller Mexicoma Virginie Barjaud Mickey Mouse Adriano Castagnoli Middle Finger Anna Taroni (Crazy Bulls) Midnight Train Severine Fillion & Adriano Castagnoli Mindset The Smileys Missing Heather Barton Momma's Walking Shoes Bob Francis Moses Roses Toeses Amy Glass Mountain Blues Teo Lattanzio Mr. Funky David Prestor Mr. Policeman Ria Vos My Cinderella Davis Villellas My Five Boys Maggie Gallagher My Own Luck Bruno Moggia My Trashy Side Gianmarco 'Johnny' Rossato Never Forget Federica Dall’Aglio Nevermind David 'Lizard' Villellas Nickajack Rob Fowler Niente David ´Lizard´ Villellas Nitro The Outsiders No Body Tina Argyle Nothing But You Darren Bailey Now, Yes Neus Lloveras On The Road Again David Prestor One Hundred Adriano Castagnoli One Step Closer Teo Lattanzio Open Doors Chari Rey (Sun Valley) Open Heart Cowboy Sandrine Tassinari & Magali Lebrun Ophelia Tandem (Ana Ventero & Javier Palomino) Oregon Silvia Denise Staiti Out Of My Mind Teo Lattanzio Out Of My Way Algaly Fofana Paper Rings The Darlings Paris Just Us Patsy Fagan Francien Sittrop Peace Manu Santos & Algaly Fofana Peaceful and Easy Bruno Moggia & David Prestor Perfect Alison Johnstone & Joshua Talbot Peter Pan Silvia Denise Staiti & Steve Betweenchickens Frapolli Picnic Polka David Paden Playboys Karl-Harry Winson Pogo Virginie Barjaud Polaroid Keystones (Dylan de Clue, Federica Lucco-Castello, Glelia Gribaldo, Andrea Sottile, Qiuseppe Lastella) Polly Pocket Fabian Müller Popcorn Edu Roldós & David Ribas Powerfull Stuff Teo Lattanzio Press Rewind Fabian Müller Pretend Ed Lawton Pretty Barn Good Magali Lebrun & Julien Balme Pretty Mae Jgor Pasin Priority David 'Lizard' Villellas Quicky Priska Staud Raised Like That Darren Bailey Rampampam Mark Furnell & Chris Godden Ready For It (This Is It) Evan VanScoyk Rebel Rock Montse Moscardó Recreation Land Teo Lattanzio Revolver Adriano Castagnoli Right Way Limited Edition Rio Diana Lowery River Luigi Julia Sola & David Villellas Riverside Blue Adriano Castagnoli Road House Rock Rob Fowler Rock Mi Teddy Fournet & Bruno Moggia Rocket To The Sun Maddison Glover Rockin' Anita McNab Roll On Mario & Lilly Hollnsteiner Roots Tina Argyle Rosa Del Mar (Rose From The Sea) Rep Ghazali-Meaney Rose-A-Lee Preben Klitgaard Run Back David Villellas & Francesca Penzo S.C.A.M. (SCAM) Matteo Visca, Simone Brodini, Aurora Carasso & Camilla Visca Safe Haven Séverine Fillion & Bruno Morel Same Boat Rachael McEnaney Seven Stefano Civa Seven-Up! Anna Palà, Elisabet Castejòn, Emma Argilés, Maite Alemany, Montse Bou & Olga Tormo Shaking Ground Laura Jones Shenandoah Ole Jacobson (feat. Nina K.) Short Time Adriano Castagnoli Shot Of Glory Teo Lattanzio Shut Up Silvia Denise Staiti & Gianmarco Johnny Rossato Side Of The Sun Adriano Castagnoli Simple Things Manu Santos & Léo Reignier Slow Motion Matteo Visca, Aurora Catasso, Camilla Visca, Albe Ryan, Sofia Balzano & Pol F. Ryan So Hot Algaly Fofana & Manu Santos So Smile Manu Santos & Léo Reignier Sold Silvia Denise Staiti Somebody You Love Isabelle Dréau, Stefano Civa & Bruno Penet Soul Shake Fred Whitehouse Steak & Grill David ´Lizard´ Villellas & Montse Chafino (Montse Sweet) Step by love David Villellas Still Gone Pol F. Ryan Stock 3 Silvia Denise Staiti Stomping It Out(a.k.a. Stomp Along; Stomp It Out) Silke C. Henke Stop Staring At My Eyes Raymond Sarlemijn, Niels Poulsen Storm and Stone Maddison Glover Story Maddison Glover Story Wild Meeting Straight Line Maggie Gallagher & Gary O´Reilly Straight On Silvia Denise Staiti Strait To The Bar Dan Albro Stripes Ria Vos Stroll Along Cha Cha Rodeo Cowboys (George Buck / John & Janette Sandham) Strong Bounds Séverine Fillion & Bruno Moggia Strong Boy Mattéo Buffoli, Léo Reigner & Manu Santos Sue Ellen Johnny Gianmarco Rossato Summer Fly Geoffrey Rothwell Summertime Love Edu Roldos & Virginie Barjaud Summertime Love Virginie Barjaud & Edu Roldos Carrau Supermario Lilly Hollnsteiner & Friends Sweet Dummy Montse Chafino (Montse Sweet) Sweet Eyes Montse 'Sweet' Chafino und David Villellas Sweet Fanny Virginie Barjaud Sweet Little Story Mario & Lilly Hollnsteiner Sweet Sweet Smile Fi Scott & Johnny Two-Step T-M Theo Dalfollo & Malone Cardalec assisted by Algaly Fofana Tag On David "Lizard" Villellas Te necesito Darren Bailey Telling On My Heart Ria Vos Tennessee Waltz Surprise Andy Chumbley Tequila Montse Moscardo Terrible's Girls Girls Meeting (Mercedes Marie Helene Fred & Véro) Texas Hold ´Em Guylaine Bourdages Texas Time Alan Birchall & Jacqui Jax TH-Guest Ranch(Thelma House) David 'Lizard' Villellas & Montse Chafino (Montse Sweet) The Boat To Liverpool Ross Brown The Card You Gamble Gary O`Reilly The Country Fever Gianmarco 'Johnny' Rossato The Difference Silvia Denise Staiti The Lovers Giovanni Johnny Rossato The Morning After Gary O`Reilly & Maggie Gallagher The Queen Landon James Purvis & Montse ´Sweet´ Chafino The Trail (Santa's Trail) Judy McDonald The Underdog Adriano Castagnoli The Wish Pol F. Ryan & Francesca Penzo Thelma & Louise Stefano Civa & Gianmarco ´Johnny´ Rossato Thirsty Bruno Moggia This & That Gary Lafferty This World Is Our Home Ivonne Verhagen, Gianmarco Rossato & Fabian Müller Three Teachers Araceli Capitán, David Villellas und Montse 'Sweet' Throwback Love Pim van Grootel, José Miguel Belloque Vane, Raymond Sarlemijn & Jean-Pierre Madge Til the Neons Gone Darren Bailey Till We Meet Again Ivonne Verhagen & Urban Danielsson Tipsy Aurora Profumo Today & Tomorrow Silvia Denise Staiti Toes Rachael McEnaney Top Of The Life Teo Lattanzio Top Of The World Teo Lattanzio Train Wreck Niels Poulsen Trilogy Adriano Castagnoli, Anna Taroni & Igor Pasin Turborider Adriano Castagnoli Tush Push Jim Ferrazzano & Kenneth Engel Twist&Turns Maddison Glover Twister Kick David 'Lizard' Villellas Unexpected Manu Santos & Léo Reignier Untamed Alessandro "Axel 600" Boer Wacky Bruno Moggia Waiting On Me Bruno Moggia Waltz Across Texas Lois & John Nielson Waterfall Maggie Gallagher Wave On Wave Alan G. Birchall Waxahachie Virginie Barjaud Welcome Home Adriano Castagnoli Well Done Federica Dall`Aglio Western Show Johnny Gianmarco Rossato, Pol F. Ryan, Algaly Fofana When You´re Drunk Heather Barton & Glynn Rodgers Where Oh Where Jo Thompson Szymanski Whiskey Bridges Maddison Glover Whiskey On The Shelf Gary O`Reilly & Maggie Gallagher Why not Edu Roldos & Julien Balme (The Southern Boys) Wildfire Mario & Lilly Hollnsteiner Williwaw Pol F. Ryan & Fabian Müller Wings Of Hope Manu Santos & Léo Reignier Wintergreen Maggie Gallagher Woman Amen Rob Fowler Wonder Laura Jones & Pol F. Ryan Worn Soul Bruno Moggia Wrong Direction Gudrun Schneider WWW.West Rob Fowler & Shelly Guichard Ya Come Down Teo Lattanzio Yellowstone Road Adriano Castagnoli Yin Yang Algali Fofana & Pol F. Ryan You Get It David 'Lizard' Villellas Zanzare David Villellas & Pol F. Ryan Zena Fiorenza Consogno `Til You Can`t Gary O`Reilly
12.02.2025 11:47